Exploring Production Process Of Matcha Green Tea Powder In Vietnam
Do you want to explore Production Process Of Matcha Green Tea Powder In Vietnam? Matcha green tea powder is not too strange to Vietnamese’s women. They are commonly used in daily life from being selected as ingredients in many foods to beauty activity. In the past, this kind of powder only imported from Japan with quite a high price. However, the good news is that this kind of powder originated from Japan now can be also produced in Vietnam. Especially, its price only equals for only a half or a third of imported one’s price. Now, let’s start with Sieu Thi Thien Nhien to unlock secret things among production process of matcha green tea!
>> Referring the price of Matcha green tea

System of specialized millstone
In the production process of matcha green tea, any facility in Vietnam should be also equipped with a system of specialized millstone imported from Japan. Green tea powder is directly decorticated from the dried tea leaves. That takes places in a relatively slow process. So that the green tea is not discolored at any temperature. The final product must have enough finely smooth, natural green color and own characteristic sweet and acrid. However, this is only the final stage to produce matcha green tea powder.

VietGAP standards
The most important thing in the production process of matcha green tea is to have to control of pesticide residues. According to VietGAP standards, the use of fertilizers and pesticides in the facility must be carefully documented. That is for ensuring sufficient isolation before harvesting. Tea growing area is covered with a darker mesh to reduce 90% the amount of sunlight. That makes the green tea leaves hold much intensity as possible. That also is the way help the leaves green is sweeter than usual.

The production process of matcha green tea
Currently, the production process of matcha green tea is emerging in Vietnam. Therefore, the current output is quite limited. Hopefully, in the future, matcha green tea yield will be more. That can fully meet the needs of the domestic market. As you also refer Matcha Green Tea product of Sieu Thi Thien Nhien. With that share, we hope that the information will bring more useful for you. We are always ready to answer your questions.
Best regards!
Sieu Thi Thien Nhien – Wholesales and retailer of Matcha Green Tea Powder
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